Part 91: Secrets of the Deep
Chapter 90 - Secrets of the Deep

No shit.

Oh man, I have a feeling we all know where Holy is. Anyway, time for some exposition. This is one of those chapters.

Yep. This is some bad news.

We have our clues. A key where sunlight can't reach.

I wonder who it was. Gast?

This is similar to the Chocobo Sage's tip. We can keep coming in here from time to time to read the updated clue.

Like this

Well the clues seem obvious enough - It's underwater. We need to go underwater, hence why even if you fail the submarine mission the game gives you the (much cooler) red submarine. Let's go.

Oh ffs go away

Going north seems natural - we see this small passage leading right beneath the city of ancients.

And this underwater cave...

There we go.

"exact date of origin cannot be determined..."
"estimated to be several thousand years old..."


Weird. To the southwest we find another cave.

A much longer cave.

Which leads us to a dead end. With nowhere else to go but the surface above us.

The passage leads us to this small lake in the mountains, between Nibelheim and Corel. We've seen this place before, but there's not enough space for us to land the airship.

We need the submarine (or a Green+ Chocobo) to get here. We can finally find out what's inside the cave.

For this next part, we need Vincent in our party. Since we're so close to Nibelheim let's go with Team Traumatized - Cloud, Tifa and Vince.
So, without further ado - another secret flashback.

This is some nightmarish stuff.

And this is just sad.
Either way, Sephiroth was doomed from the start. Jenova's influence upon an infected body is clearly extremely high.

"I heard that he died five years ago. But I see him in my dreams so often..."
"And I know that physically, like me, he can't die so easily."

Next Time:
We find out about the Key's purpose.